Awesome Millennium Falcon Quad RC Drone

Pew! Pew! Fun Star Wars Nerf Blasters & More

These fun Nerf toys are all based on weapons used in the Star Wars saga. Each shooting weapon uses safe soft dart projectiles or water for Dark Side versus Light Side galactic fun.

List: Awesome Star Wars Talking Masks

Remember Chewbacca mom? The social media sensation brought hyper-awareness to the awesomeness of the Chewbacca talking mask. But did you know there are other awesome talking Star Wars character masks out there for Star Wars moms and dads (and maybe kids too) to enjoy? Here you go. You're welcome.

Fun Star Wars Tracing Character Drawing Set

This is a fun artistic gift idea for creative young fans of Star Wars. It's a light-up palatte that comes with images to trace through the light.

Star Wars Walkie Talkie Radios

Walkie talkie 2-way radios are a fun toy for kids to play with, adding intrigue to hide-and-seek or helping with outdoor adventures and imaginary play. Add some extra fun with these Star Wars themed walkies.